Incorporation on the Incarnation!
Chesterton Academy of St. Louis formally incorporated on March 25, 2022. This date holds special meaning, as it is also the feast of the Annunciation and the first hallmark of Chesterton Academy is "An Incarnational Environment."
From history and theology to math and science, the Incarnation is the central mystery we explore across the entire curriculum. It is our desire that each student would personally experience the Incarnation.
Our school shall strive to:
- Encourage each student to encounter Christ in a deeply personal way, both sacramentally and in his or her academic and everyday life.
- Create a pervasively Christian atmosphere filled with opportunities to develop and practice virtue while overcoming tendencies towards vice.
- Build a community of disciples through language, action, and thought by guiding them to contemplate the true, good, and beautiful.
Keep those prayers coming!
Verso l'alto!